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About Candy Flavoring


Candy Flavoring oil is a very concentrated flavor used by professionals that is designed to offer optimum flavor even after being subjected to high heat.  Candy Flavoring oil is much more potent than a grocery store type extract – in fact there is no comparison.  Candy Flavoring oil is so strong it should not taste pleasant when a drop is placed on the tongue. 

Candy flavoring makes foods taste great and smell great.  Typically an extract does not contribute much at all to scent where Candy Flavoring oil contributes to both smell and taste.  Candy Flavoring oil is used by globally by food experts who make exotic deserts as well as by candy makers, and even by bar tenders to make mixed drinks.  The list is truly endless.  Some unique uses of Candy Flavoring is to flavor toothpicks or even peanut butter.

Candy Flavoring oil is so strong usage should be less than one percent of the recipe total.  So, if your recipe is one hundred ounces of flour, for example, your flavoring needs should be one ounce of candy flavoring to three ounces flavor maximum.  Candy Flavoring oil should taste bitter and not pleasant because Candy Flavoring oil is potent.  If your Candy Flavoring oil tastes pleasant with one direct drop on the tongue – most likely it is more of an extract and not real Candy Flavoring oil.

The most popular Candy Flavoring oils are grape candy flavoring and raspberry candy flavoring.  Beyond grape candy flavoring and blueberry candy flavoring – lemon drops candy flavoring, lime candy flavoring and pina colada candy flavoring are very popular flavors.  Flavor sells and bakers, candy makers and chefs know this.  True professional based flavor called “candy flavoring” is made with a variety of flavor profiles.  Each and every candy flavoring is prepared unique in how it is profiled and flavorists [a person who creates flavor] are known to be very protective of their formulas and flavor profiles.  Making Candy Flavoring is no different than a perfumer making perfume.  If you want to know how to make Candy Flavoring – it is a lifelong career. 

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Hard Candy Flavor Oils

Hard candy flavor oils are the same thing as candy flavor oils. All of the flavor is designed to survive high heats and make the candy still offer dynamite flavor. Hard candy flavor oils are very concentrated flavor used to make great candy. So search for candy flavor oil or check us out!

Hard candy flavor or “candy flavor oil” can make all kinds of treats. Some people even buy candy flavor to flavor toothpicks. Hard tack candy is also in the same hard candy family. Candy flavor oils are so concentrated you usually only need under one percent of your total formula or hard candy recipe. This means if your hard candy recipe calls for one hundred ounces of sugar as the total recipe, you would need no more than one ounce of candy flavor. Probably half an ounce of candy flavor to one hundred ounces of sugar would be more than sufficient.

Always test your candy recipe in small batches to get a feel for your flavor strength because it can vary. This means peppermint is very strong and vanilla can be very faint. So, when flavoring hard candy you really want control over your flavor and its strength. You may need less peppermint, for example and more vanilla when making a vanilla creme type flavor. In case you did not know it, any “creme” type flavor usually means 20% of the flavor is vanilla which makes the “creme” note.